Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Where Do You Start? Key First Steps to Implementing ICD-10 in Your Classroom

The U. S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced on January 15 of this year that it would replace the ICD-9-CM code set with ICD-10 in 2013.

What do you do now?

2013 may seem a long way off, but as the leading publisher in coding education, Elsevier is already taking steps to ensure that you have the textbooks and resources you need to start preparing now.

The Elsevier Plan

In order to make your transition to ICD-10 as smooth as possible, Elsevier has developed a comprehensive plan to address your specific concerns and keep you in the know:

• keeps you up to date on the latest news and provides direct feedback and guidance from a panel of expert authors, educators, and industry insiders, lead by bestselling authors Carol J. Buck, Karla Lovaasen, and Jennifer Schwerdtfeger.
• Dual Codes
in key coding textbooks will familiarize students and practitioners with correct coding protocols for both code sets beginning in Fall 2009
• ICD-10 Manual Draft versions
will publish in late 2009, providing hands-on practice for locating new codes.
• Renowned Netter Anatomy artwork
will be added to all of Carol J. Buck's new ICD-9, ICD-10 and HCPCS coding reference books, starting with the 2010 ICDs. This expanded anatomy coverage will help clarify complex A&P concepts, helping support coders and students as they prepare for the more specific A&P in the ICD-10 code set.
• Elsevier’s exclusive co-publishing agreement with the American Medical Association (AMA)
ensures that Elsevier’s ICD-9-CM and HCPCS code books will meet the needs of the full spectrum of students, instructors, physicians, coders, and other office staff throughout the transition process.

Watch for more info on these and other pieces of Elsevier’s ICD-10 preparation plan in future updates! Register now to receive the latest news via e-mail!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Amazing Coder Response at AAPC

Thank you to all who stopped by the Elsevier booth or spared a few moments to share their thoughts on coding with me at the 2009 AAPC Conference in Las Vegas! I’ll be posting some of your fantastic comments and ideas soon.

Didn’t make it to the conference? Check back soon for complete coverage from the exhibitor floor!